Studio Initial Fee & Booking Info for 301 Vista Rd Ste. 130 Pasadena, Texas


Thank you for your interest in our services. Below you will find information on how we can help celebrate your next event! | Gracias por su interés en nuestro estudio. Nos encantaría ayudar a celebrar su proximo evento.

DATES AVAILABLE OR READY TO BOOK? Please read thru the info below and then scroll to bottom of the listing for booking info. |Listo para agendar? Lea la información siguiente y seleccione su fecha abajo.

Amenities included with rental | Lo que la renta incluye:
- rental of the studio w/capacity for up to 100 people | capacidad para 100
- round tables and Tiffany chairs for 80 adults, | mesas con sillas para 80 adultos
- 2 ice chests, (ice is not provided) | 2 hieleras (no includio el hielo)
- 1 wifi connection speaker, | bocina con wifi
- 1, 7' rectangular table, | mesa rectangular de 7'
- ample parking | estacionamiento amplio
- standard rental time is 2pm - 12am (10 hours total) | 10 horas 2pm - 12am

Monday - Thursday $800| Lunes a Viernes $800+ tax

Sat|Sabado - Studio with Decor Package starts at $1,500+ tax and up, based on selected package.

Sun|Domingo- Studio with Decor Package starts at $1,200+tax and up, based on selected package

Mandatory Deep Cleaning fee is $100 and to be paid in cash day of the event, at start.
Cuota de limpieza mandatoria antes y después del evento $100

You are welcome to bring your own alcohol. However, serving of alcohol and monitoring of alcohol is your responsibility. In order to keep peace we are required to have a police officer when it is being served. The City of Pasadena officers provide your security and their rates are based on date of event. They are paid directly upon arrival, in cash. Their rate starts is $150 for standard 3 hour coverage. If your event finishes early, you are still responsible for the officers fee as they arranged their schedule to fulfill your need. Let us know if your event will not last the full time of the rental. Only wine, beer and champagne may be served. No glass beer bottles are permitted. Non-alcoholic beverages must be served if there is alcohol. We will schedule the security for you. However, it is the renter’s responsibility to cancel the officers should you cancel your event. The rates for the officers are determined by the Police Department, and will be paid to the officers by the renter at the event. Consumption of alcohol is to remain indoors and is not permitted in the outdoor areas surrounding the building. Failure to comply with this provision will cause forfeiture of deposit and inability to rent again.

Usted puede traer su propio alcohol. Sin embargo, es su responsabilidad el servir y controlar el alcohol. Para mantener la paz, se requiere que tengamos un oficial de policía cuando esté presente el alcohol. Los oficiales de la Ciudad de Pasadena brindan seguridad y sus tarifas son basadas en la fecha del evento. Se pagan directamente a la llegada del oficial, en efectivo. Su tarifa inicial es de $ 150 para una cobertura estándar de 3 horas. Si usted termina su evento temprano, la responsabilidad de pagarle policía se mantiene. Avise que hora va a terminar. Háganos saber si su evento no durará el tiempo completo del alquiler. Solo se puede servir vino, cerveza y champán. No se permiten botellas de cerveza de vidrio. Las bebidas no alcohólicas deben servirse si hay alcohol. Programaremos la seguridad para usted. Sin embargo, es responsabilidad del arrendatario cancelar los oficiales si cancela su evento. Las tarifas para los oficiales las determina el Departamento de Policía y el arrendatario les pagará a los oficiales en el evento. El consumo de alcohol debe permanecer en el interior y no está permitido en las áreas al aire libre que rodean el edificio. El incumplimiento de esta disposición provocará la pérdida del depósito y la imposibilidad de volver a alquilar.

We love, love, love sprucing up a party! Decor for your event is available and can be quoted per consultation. Cost depending on client’s request.
This can be for our studio or for travel. Please contact us for a quote!
¡Nos encanta la decoración! Decorado está disponible y se puede cotizar por consulta. El costo varía, dependiendo de la solicitud del cliente. Esto puede ser para nuestro estudio o para fuera del estudio

STUDIO PRE-SET PACKAGES - Available and listed on the picture flyers of this listing.

NOTE: Edible items are provided by client or by one our preferred vendors. Let us know if you need a list of them.

**********I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O N FOR B O O K I N G **********
************************** PLEASE READ ***************************************
By selecting and purchasing this listing you understand that this is only the "Initial Rental Fee" for Mariposa Event Studio at 301 Vista Rd, Ste 130 Pasadena, Texas 77504, per this listing. This fee is non-refundable. Please note your selection of package in the note section, along with your event date, theme and any other notes you would like to share at check-out. Once those two steps are done and we will provide you with the next steps and appt set up to work on your event. Balances of any products or services pending will be provided and due four weeks before event.

Al seleccionar y comprar este listado, usted comprende que esta es solo la "Tarifa de alquiler inicial" para Mariposa Event Studio en 301 Vista Rd, Ste 130 Pasadena, Texas 77504, según el contrato firmado. Tenga en cuenta su selección de paquete en la sección de notas, junto con la fecha de su evento, el tema y cualquier otra nota que le gustaría compartir en el momento del check-out. Una vez que haya realizado esos dos pasos, le proporcionaremos los siguientes pasos y la cita configurada para trabajar en su evento. Los saldos de los productos o servicios pendientes se proporcionarán y vencerán cuatro semanas antes del evento.

***Cancellation or Date Change****
Please note initial rental fee or any fees provided for decor are NON_REFUNDABLE! Ensure the space is what you need and that you are aware of the current official information in regards to social distancing implementations and minimized capacity. We do allow for ONE date change as long as it’s is requested 30 business days before event, in order to be able to offer the date to others. This date change is in the form of a "date change credit" valid for 12 months, as a courtesy to our clients. ALL FEES are due 30 days before event is to take place, unless agreed upon. If you cancel your event, you will be responsible for THE RENTAL AND ANY DECOR FEES, as the nature of our business and financial responsibilities rely on booking these very limited calendar dates. PLEASE DO NOT BOOK UNLESS YOU ARE CERTAIN OUR CAPACITY AND OFFERINGS IS WHAT YOU NEED. PLEASE.

*********Cancelación o cambio de fecha******
Tenga en cuenta que la tarifa de alquiler inicial o cualquier tarifa proporcionada NO SON reembolsables. Las cifras se deben liquidar cuatro semanas antes de el evento al menos que se tenga previo aviso. Ya que debido a naturaleza de nuestras responsabilidades comerciales y financieras son basadas en reservar estas fechas de calendario muy limitadas. Asegúrese que el espacio es lo que necesita y que está al tanto de la información oficial actual en cuanto a implementaciones de distanciamiento social y capacidad minimizada. Por cortesía permitimos un cambio de fecha siempre que se solicite 30 días hábiles antes del evento, para poder ofrecer la fecha a otros. Se proporciona la cantidad en forma de un crédito de cambio de fecha válido por el resto del mismo año calendario, como cortesía a nuestros clientes. Menos de 30 dias, el cliente sera responsable de las cantidades acordadas en su totalidad por la renta del estudio y el decorado.

Liability Waiver
Pleases note that by purchasing this listing, you agree to hold harmless, Mariposa Event Decor + Studio from any dispute in the event you or your family become injured during the hall rental. Mariposa Event Decor/Studio will not be held liable for any illness or injury that may occur before, during, of after your rental as well as any property damages. Completing payment is a statement of agreeing to these terms.

We expect our events to occur rain or shine and make every effort to ensure that happens. However, safety is of great importance. In the event of adverse conditions (tornado warning, tornado watch, thunderstorm, heavy rain, or any other extreme weather conditions), the renter is responsible for the decision of a cancellation. If the event continues as planned, renter is 100% liable for any injuries, damages or issues per the contract. If there is utility interruptions, road closures or any weather affecting issues, Mariposa Event Studio is not responsible. Events that are cancelled due to weather conditions will not be refunded as we have no control of weather. The final decision to cancel or delay the event is solely up to the studio renter. In addition and as a courtesy, we may be able to provide an allowance of a new date based on our “postponed available dates”, these will be provided as needed. Thank you for your continued support.

Tenga en cuenta que al comprar este anuncio, acepta eximir de responsabilidad a Mariposa Event Decor/Studio de cualquier disputa en caso de que usted o su familia se lesionado durante el alquiler del estudio. Mariposa Event Decor / Studio no se hace responsable de ninguna enfermedad o lesión que pueda ocurrir antes, durante o después de su alquiler, así como de los daños a la propiedad. Usted es responsable por cualquier daño ocasionado durante la renta del estudio. Completar el pago es una declaración de aceptación de estos términos.

Thank you for your trust in our service and we can't wait to make your event special!